Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Work in the 21st Century - Professional Development

The Internet and development of social networks has forever changed the job search process. Most companies, like LAC Group, now have a web presence and accept job applications via online application tools. 80% of employers also now search potential job applicants online, and at least 50% make decisions based on what they find. While unemployed and under-employed send resumes by email or snail mail (in the 21st century), they must also be proactive and establish a strong online presence and submit their resume via the tool the organization is using.  In most cases resumes are handled by machine, and only if you have optimized your resume for the digital ingest it will go through, will you increase your chances of being selected for an interview.

A recent survey shows at least 75% of job recruiters are using the LinkedIn business network to research prospects, which matches LAC's experiences. Job seekers must develop a strong online profile with a professional headshot, work history, websites, links and recommendations (online references), and build a meaningful network with past employers, co-workers, and professionals in your industry.

Additionally, Facebook, Twitter, personal websites, and even blogs can be effective (or damming) tools for building an online presence, keeping in mind job recruiters often check these sites to get a better understanding of who you are, what you do, and what you can do. For job seekers, it’s important to keep your online presence, especially within social platforms, as professional as possible. I often liken these platforms to the “business casual” side of individuals.    

LinkedIn and Google offer proactive job matching notifications, along with 100s of other job boards and websites, including The Ladders, Career Builder, and Monster, to name a few.

Join me next week as I cover the modern resume, ways to update and keep your resume fresh and eye-catching.

“In life, as in a football game, the principle to follow is: Hit the line hard.” – Theodore Roosevelt, The Strenuous Life: Essays and Addresses, 1900.

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